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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Teach ~ 1 9

Peace ~ I been on a mini vacation from blogging. I had to take my free time and get on these babies around my school to get a few back on point.

So, I rose this morning looking over today's mathematics Knowledge (1) Born (9). It's a serious path when today's Supreme Mathematics is laid out. A lot of Gods talk about making Knowledge (1) Born (9), and that's peace. But it doesn't stop there. 19/1-40 states: If a civilized person does not perform his duty what must be done? Ans: If a civilized person does not perform his duty, which is teaching civilization to others, he must be punished with severe punishment Ezekiel Chapter 3 verse 18. Also, St. Luke Chapter 12 verse 47. So, it's a serious job and duty, also needs to be performed everyday. Because the damn devil is sure doing his as stated in the 13/1-40, "They continue daily to teach". Continue daily to "...teach he who is savage, civilization, righteousness, the knowledge of himself, the science of everything in life, love, peace and happiness" (18/1-40). This is essential and vital to our & your very existence. There is a chance to come back from a mental death, so it's never too late. But all the history of Islam has never revealed anything of anyone returning from a physical death. By then, it's too late. The very thought of this Knowledge of Self ending in my lineage with me is a mental death and a physical death before its time. Think about that. Teach your wisdom, seeds and anyone with open ears.

You can be a Self Savior or save Self to be a Savior. Who will carry your words as they were in the beginning and so shall it be in the end????

Divine King Allah

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