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Friday, January 8, 2010

Reality Check

This is one of those blogs I guess you'll be able to call "out there on the ledge". As time progresses, and knowledge expands or increases among the "True & Living", Gods are becoming "Radicalized". Truth is, time changes and change come with time. Even the Father (Father Allah/Clarence 13X/Clarence Smith) would have admitted to change, perhaps a Revolution. Truth be told, {if/when/or} you {came/come} into the KOS (Knowledge of Self) you come to a change "in" self; an internalized Revolution. However, it's the externalized revolution that at times has caused issues within the NGE, or between Members. We're dealing with a Free-Cipher. I can say at times for all; emotions, stupidity and foolishness have superseded basic self morals & knowledge of even the best of us. However, that is not an excuse to cover-up our wrongs by saying their rights. Or by saying "do as I say, not as i do".

What makes the so-called Righteous, righteous? It's a question and a serious one that I think only the Righteous can answer. Don't get me wrong, "do as I say, not as I do" is great for those who can "preserve the best part". But, for the 85% of the people who can't, what do we do? To quote Bill Cosby "A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid one's that need advice". 18/1-40 "The duty of a civilized person is to teach he who is savage". The best teachers, enlighteners, parents, uncles, aunts...etc; lead by example and talk with their actions.

"Peace God, The Sun don't chill Allah"

Divine King Allah


constance nunn said...

Enjoyef this post very much.

constance nunn said...

Enjoyef this post very much.